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Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Palindrome Data & Time 11-11-11 11:11:11

  Date & Time
11-11-11  11:11:11

The number eleven has a special characteristic in mathematics where it is the sixth prime number. It contains some interesting peculiarities where the number elevent times itself equals a palindrome.

Palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of units that can be read the same way in either direction, with general allowances for adjustments to punctuation and word dividers. Some Examples are:-

"Eva, can I stab in a cave?", "Mr. Owl ate my metal worm", "Step on no pets", "Able was i ere I saw Elba", "A man, a plan, a canal, Panama".

These special Palindrome Cover & Maxim card created by my friend Mr.ANKIT AGARWAL, who is very creative and enthusiastic. He is doing exeriments in creating Maxim cards on several themes of philately.

He can reached by

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

The Ahmedabad Advance Mills Golden Jubilee 1903-1953 Token

This is my "Ahmedabad Advance Mills Golden Jubilee 1903-1953" Silver Token

Mukti-Dham Temple Token

This is my Mukthi-Dham Temple Token

Muktidham is a marble temple complex honouring various Hindu gods. It is a popular tourist attraction situated in the Nashik Road suburb of the city of Nashik in the western state of Maharashtra in India. It is privately operated through a trust and was built through a generous donation by the late Mr. J.D. Chauhan-Bytco, a local industrialist.
Muktidham Temple, Nashik.

It has replicas of 12 Jyotirlingas, which have been built as per dimension of original deities and have been sanctified by sending them to their respective pilgrimage centers. The temple is made with marble from Makrana in Rajastan, and by Rajastani sculptors. Unique to this temple are eighteen chapters of Geeta written on the walls. Apart from the replicas of all the twelve Jyotirlingas, there are also idols of all major Hindu Gods and Goddesses.Devotees prefer to visit Muktidham Temple during the period of a famous fair “Kumbh Mela”.

It is believed that a holy dharshan of this shrine provides as much virtue as a visit to four holy places, which makes this magnificient shrine a crowded pilgrim center. This delicate piece of architecture with its glittering whiteness embodies its serenity and sacredness. Exquisitely carved interior walls with the 18 chapters of Bhagavad Gita, is worth mentioning.

Monday, 28 November 2011

My personal meeting with World Famous Numismatics Scholar Dr.Parameshwar Lal Gupta

In the year 1999 I wrote letter to Indian Institute of Research In Numismatic Studies, Anjaneri, Near Nasik which devoted for study on Ancient Indian Coins about Dr.Parameshwar Lal Gupta by sending Money Order to the Institute.

In reply to me they sent a letter on Institute Letterhead and they informed that Dr.Parameshwar Lal Gupta is not well due to his old age.

After that in the couple of days later i went to Shiridi alongwith my family members. At that time i went to Anjaneri to visit the Institute. I spent some time in the Institute Museum, Library and met some scholars and showed the letter which i received from their Institute.

At that time i expressed my desire to meet Dr.Parameshwar Lal Gupta personally and accordingly they arranged a meeting of mine with Dr.P.L.Gupta who is 94 years old at that time. I met Dr.Gupta in his rest house and talk several things on ancient indian coins, their script etc.  Dr.P.L.Gupta was very much impressed and asked me "What i can do for you young man?".  Then i requested him as "Sir i want your personal autograph letter to me".  Accordingly Dr.Parameshwar Lal Gupta gave his autograph letter to me on Institute letterhead with his shivering fingers due to his old age.

Dr.Parmameshwar Lal Gupta wrote to me on the letter as "It gives me pleasure to meet Shri D. SRINIVASU, of Kakinada (Andhra Pradesh) and know that he is interested in the study of Coins. I wish him the best".   ~ Parameshwar Lal Gupta

DR PARMESHWARI LAL GUPTA was a distinguished numismatist, with international recognition. And, this besides, an educationist, a social reformer, a journalist, a museologist, a literature, and a tireless researcher-all rolled into one: into his one versatile personality. Also an Honorary Fellow of Numismatic society of India (Elected 1974), Honorary Member of International Numismatic Commission (elected 1986), and Honorary Fellow of Royal Numismatic society, London (elected 1975), Royal Asiastic society of Great Britain, and Asiatic Society of Bombay (both elected in 1993), he had chaired History / Archaeology / Fine Arts / Numismatics sections of Various national and international conferences. Dr Gupta was a prolific writer too, credited with the authorship of over 30 books and 250 research papers on diverse themes from his several specialized disciplines. Among his other achievements, he was the recipient of many prestigious awards / honours, including Huntington Medal, Lhotka memorial prize, Royal Numismatic Society’s Medal, and Sir J Sarkar Gold Medal.

These are "Indian Institute of Research In Numismatic Studies, Anjaneri" letter to me and Dr.Parameshwar Lal Gupta autograph letter to me on Institute Letterhead.

Mammoth Cave National Park Coin(Token) 1972

This is my Mammoth Cave National Park Coin(Token) 1972

Saturday, 26 November 2011

My Gandhi Stamps collection exhibition

Recently on October 2nd Gandhi Jayanthi day i displayed my Gandhi Stamps at local Kakinada Gandhi Bhavan. These are my Gandhi Stamps exhibition photos.

Maharashtra State Formation Day Token 1960


On 1st May, 1960 Maharashtra State Formed. To commemmorate the event Maharashtra Government issued one Token on that day. 

I have a piece of this historic token. Below are the photos and some description of the Token.

New York World's Fair 1964 Token

This my New York's World Fair 1964 Token

Collections of Dokka Srinivasu: Reconstruction Era Ends Token 1877

Collections of Dokka Srinivasu: Reconstruction Era Ends Token 1877: This is my one of my rarest (may be) and artistic token named RECONSTRUCTIONS ERA ENDS TOKEN 1877. Below is some description about Recons...

Reconstruction Era Ends Token 1877

This is my one of my rarest (may be) and artistic token named RECONSTRUCTIONS ERA ENDS TOKEN 1877.

Below is some description about Reconstruction Era

President Hayes kept his campaign promise to remove federal troops from the South, ending the period known as Reconstruction. The order was given on May 1st, 1877. The decision to end Reconstruction and return the rule to Southerners, soon resulted in the disenfranchisement of the Blacks in the South.President Hayes promised to withdraw federal troops from the South if he became President.
He kept his promise, thus ending the Era of Reconstruction in the South.
The end of Reconstruction returned control of the government in the South to the white southerners who promptly disenfranchised African-Americans. The period of Reconstruction continues to be disputed by historians today. One view considers Reconstruction to have been an opportunity lost. Instead of working to heal the wounds, it caused greater rifts between the South and the North,  by imposing Northern rule on the South without dealing with the underlying social and economic problems. The other school of thought states that the racism of the South would not allow Reconstruction to succeed. This racism insured that, once federal troops were no longer available to protect the rights of blacks, these rights would be immediately eliminated. In 1882, Ex-slave Frederick Douglass probably put it best when he wrote:
"Though slavery was abolished, the wrongs of my people were not ended.
Though they were slaves, they were not yet quite free. No man can be truly free whose liberty is dependent upon the thoughts, feeling, and actions of others,
and who has himself no means in his own hands for guarding, protecting, defending, and maintaining that liberty. Yet the Negro after his emancipation was precisely in this state of destitution. He was free from the individual master but the slave of society. He had neither money, property, nor friends. He was free from the old plantation, but he had nothing but the dusty road under his feet. He was free from the old quarter that once gave him shelter, but a slave to the rains of summer and the frost of winter. He was in a word, literally tuned loose, naked, hungry, and destitute to the open sky."

It was not until the late 1960's that African-Americans in the South would achieve the legal rights, and not until the 1980's that they would regain the political power they had obtained under Reconstruction.